
Copyright Notice

Please be informed that wallpaperwaves.com does not claim to the copyright of the wallpapers showcased on our website. These images may be subject to trademark and copyright protection, including compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). They are provided solely for personal use and are not intended for commercial exploitation without appropriate authorization from the original authors.

Should you consider utilizing any of these wallpapers for commercial purposes, we strongly advise seeking explicit permission from the respective creators. You can typically locate their contact details via the “Source” link associated with each wallpaper. However, if this information is unavailable, please understand that any use of the wallpaper for commercial endeavors is undertaken at your own risk.

Recognition and Acknowledgment

In the event that you identify any wallpaper on our platform as your own creation or the work of someone you know, we encourage you to reach out to us. By providing the artist’s website and the specific link to the wallpaper, we can ensure proper attribution and acknowledgment of the artist’s efforts.

Furthermore, if you prefer not to have your wallpaper featured on our site, kindly contact us, and we will promptly remove it. Nevertheless, we are enthusiastic about recognizing your work and sharing it with our diverse global audience.