Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

At (“Website”, “we”, “our”, or “us”), safeguarding your privacy is of paramount importance. We are dedicated to upholding the confidentiality and security of the information entrusted to us by our users, including visitors to our Website and individuals who download wallpapers from our platform (“users” or “you”). This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines our commitment to respecting individual privacy and explains how we collect, use, disclose, store, and manage the personal information provided by our users.

Your Consent

By accessing our Website or submitting your personal information to us through any means, you consent to the processing of your personal information and agree to our collection, use, disclosure, storage, and management of your personal information as outlined in this Policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time; however, this may affect our ability to provide you with our full range of services. If you are under 18 or the applicable age of maturity in your jurisdiction, parental or guardian consent is required for acceptance of this Policy and our Website’s Terms of Service.

Policy Updates and Amendments

This Policy is subject to periodic updates, reviews, and amendments at the sole discretion of Material changes to this Policy will be communicated through notice on our homepage. We encourage you to regularly review this Policy to stay informed about any updates and modifications. The latest version of this Policy will govern all information collected, used, disclosed, stored, or managed by us. Your continued use of our Website or services following any Policy revisions constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

Information We Collect

At, we collect essential information to enhance your wallpaper browsing and downloading experience. This may include information you provide by subscribing to our services, allowing us to send promotional emails, inquiries or correspondence submitted through various channels (e.g., email, social media, telephone), and details of your downloads (collectively referred to as “Personal Information”). If you prefer not to disclose Personal Information, please refrain from providing any such details through communication methods listed above.

Cookies and Anonymous Data

Our Website utilizes cookies to collect anonymous information for analytics and ongoing website improvement efforts. You may adjust your browser settings to decline cookies if desired. Anonymous information automatically logged during your website visits may include browser type, server name and IP address, accessed pages, and referral sources (collectively referred to as “Anonymous Information”). In this Policy, “Personal Information” and “Anonymous Information” collectively constitute “Information”.

Purpose of Information Collection and Disclosure

At, we collect Information to optimize user browsing and downloading experiences and efficiently manage user inquiries, requests, or complaints. We may disclose Information to subcontractors, affiliates, advertisers, service providers, sponsors, or in the event of corporate asset acquisition. Additionally, Information may be used for promotional activities, surveys, research, legal obligations, public authority inquiries, or enforcement of Website terms and agreements.

Protection of Personal Information

All Information provided to is securely stored in computerized facilities. We employ reasonable measures to protect Information from unauthorized access, misuse, interference, loss, modification, alteration, destruction, or disclosure. While Information retention may be necessary for statutory or contractual requirements, we commit to removing or securely destroying your details upon request or when no longer needed.

Inquiries and Complaints

For inquiries or actions related to Information (e.g., access, correction, deletion, withdrawal of consent, unsubscribing), or to lodge complaints regarding Policy breaches, please contact us through our designated channels. We endeavor to acknowledge all inquiries promptly and aim to address complaints within a reasonable timeframe. Successful complaint processing may require sufficient supporting evidence, and we may request additional information to facilitate investigations.

For further assistance or to initiate contact, please visit our contact page.

We strive to provide timely responses to all inquiries and complaints, ensuring a satisfactory resolution process.

This Policy was last updated on May 16 2024.